Kip&Co Blog

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Five benefits of sleeping on silk pillowcases

Five benefits of sleeping on silk pillowcases

Silk is such a luxurious fabric and Kip&Co’s Glow Getter silk pillowcases come in stunning prints. But beyond their beautiful look and feel, there’s other benefits to having silk close to your face when you sleep. 1. Wake up with smoother skin Sleeping with our Glow Getter silk pillowcase is like having a hundred tiny masseuses massaging your face - yup, you'll be supporting smooth skin while you get some well earned shut eye. You’ll have less face creases - and better hydrated skin, as silk pillowcases absorb less moisture than cotton pillowcases. 2. Let your beauty products do their...

How To Get Better Beauty Sleep with Welleco

How To Get Better Beauty Sleep with Welleco

If there is anyone to get advice on beauty sleep from, it would be the one and only, Elle Macpherson. Welleco, Elle’s beauty and wellness brand share their top tips on getting better beauty sleep in today’s blog.   Your shortcut to improved shut-eye Sleep is a fundamental part of our mental, emotional and physical health – and believe it or not, ‘beauty sleep’ isn’t a myth. According to sleep experiments, getting enough hours of shut-eye does actually improve your overall wellbeing, including the way we look. It’s not just dark circles, either – your skin and body regenerates and...